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Posted by: Charmaine DeSouza on Thu, Jun 11th, 2009

After an incredibly long wait… INOX finally decided to play Star Trek and Angel and Demons. Of course I did not pass the chance of seeing both movies I hear great reviews about. The trailers looked phenomenal and my curiosity was aroused. My friends were raving about these movies.

What was so great about Star Trek you ask? I’m not a trekkie! You emphatically state. Well here’s the clinch! I’m not a huge trekkie as a matter of fact I was never crazy about the serials that came on TV though I did like it to some extent. I knew I had to see the movie. I can safely tell you I had no regrets. The movie was well casted, the story line surpassed itself and the graphics were amazing. If you are a trekkie then you will love the surprise that this movie has to offer. I almost fell off my seat, I can tell you that. No! you will not be getting a spoiler from me, my lips are sealed.

If you are a Heroes fan you will be pleased to know that Zachary Quinto (Sylar from Heroes) and I daresay he did a wicked job playing Spock. Spock was always my favorite character on the original Star Trek series and I must admit I was a little more than just critical but he carried off with perfection.

I rate this movie as “definite must – see” irrespective of being a trekkie or not. You’re bound to come out with a smile on your face.


Angels and Demons… on a more serious note. If you read the book you will know what it is about. If not then I think you will still enjoy the movie. Based on Dan Brown’s novel “Angels and Demons” (obviously) it is intense. He takes intriguing bits of history and wraps it up into a plot full of suspense; intricate and complex. It has nothing to do with religion. It is entirely fiction but it keeps your mind and your eyes working right through the entire movie.

A small synopsis to give you an idea, after the pope’s death, a nefarious organization stashes an antimatter bomb somewhere in the Vatican, threatening to annihilate the conclave of cardinals who are meeting to elect the papal successor. To pass the time until the bomb will detonate the enemy begins to torture and kill a few of the individual cardinals, but there is a pattern to the grotesque executions, involving hidden sculptural symbols and secret architectural clues. Unfortunately for the church, the man most capable of deciphering the code is the American "symbologist" Robert Langdon (Hanks), who happens to be an affirmed atheist. The script is filled with amazing details about the centuries-old conflict between the church and the Illuminati (whose members included Galileo, Michelangelo, and Bernini), which Hanks uncovers as he breathlessly races between various landmarks in Rome, always a step behind the sinister assassin.

 Tom Hanks does a wonderful acting job as always in his role of Robert Langdon. Ewan McGregor (Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Phantom Menace) did a wonderful job as well depicting his character. This is another movie I would rate as a “must-see”!

So on this note: - I wish you fun at INOX!!!   

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